Discovering a lump in my breast – My personal experience

I felt called to share my personal experience with you because: 1. Obviously, your health is super important and I wanted to remind you of…

What to know about a Menstrual Cup – Is it really better than a tampon?

Have you ever come across a menstrual cup and wondered if it was worth a try? You are not alone. I started using a menstrual cup 1 and a…

How to use Palo Santo the eco-friendly way

I recently purchased my very first bundle of Palo Santo along with some White Sage. I was pleased to see that the small shop I purchased it…

Why I quit hormonal birth control 2 years ago – My journey

I quit hormonal birth control more than 2 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I had made in a long time. I was taking the pill…

Vegan Recipes – Inspiration for the Holidays

I know the stress of preparing a Family Christmas Dinner… not because I have ever experienced this myself, but because I have watched my…

Self Care Practices for Emotional Release

When it comes to self care, I would normally tell you to trust whatever feels good in the moment. Because when we listen, our body usually…

Essential oils – Benefits, Blends & DIY’s

I have been quite familiar with the use of essential oils since I was young. The knowledge of these oils passed down from my grandfather to…

Manifestation & The Law of Attraction – How does it work?

In this post I want to give you an introduction to Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. This is something that has absolutely changed…

The depths of Minimalism – Influenced by Eckhart Tolle

Everyone has different ways to implement minimalism into their lives, but the general view on minimalism, the one I read online, is mostly…

Top 3 apps that will support your sustainable lifestyle

Today I wanted to share with you three apps that I have used many times over the last couple of months/years. We all know the feeling when…

How to become a vegetarian? – 5 tips for a lasting transition

If you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian (or eating less meat/fish) but don’t know where to start, you are at the right place. I…

Bar of soap with wooden comb and towel on a table

What is sustainable living? – A beginner’s guide

I am sure you heard about sustainability before, but you might not know exactly what it means, why it matters or where to begin when trying…